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Gardening Tips

Updated: Jun 3, 2021


Beans, corn and squash do well when grown together in the same bed. Corn needs lots of nitrogen, which beans fix into the soil, the corn provides tall stalks that the beans need to climb, squash has large leaves that shelter the base of the other two, helping retain water in the soil....

Also... deer don't like squash, so planting it around the other two also helps protect them from passing deer!

"By the time European settlers arrived in America in the early 1600s, the Iroquois had been growing the "three sisters" for over three centuries. The vegetable trio sustained the Native Americans both physically and spiritually. In legend, the plants were a gift from the gods, always to be grown together, eaten together, and celebrated together."

TOMATOES delish & easy

Tomatoes - there is a reason why they are so popular for beginner gardens, they are super easy to grow. Here are some simple tips for growing tomatoes. 

Always include more than one variety, as some respond differently from year to year. Small-fruited varieties set better through the heat.

1. Choose short, blocky (as wide as they are tall) healthy plants.

2. Plant in a sunny location with morning sun and afternoon shade.

3. Compost, compost, compost. It is the key to success. Incorporate plenty into your garden soil. Compost brings life to the soil.

4. Plant tomatoes as deep as you want. That's not the case with other plants.

5. Deep irrigate infrequently to encourage deeper rooting. Avoid everyday waterings.

6. Train, cage or let them sprawl -- whichever you choose.

7. Mulch, mulch, mulch. Mulching cools the area, prolongs fruit setting, conserves moisture and controls weeds. In the meantime, the microorganisms are busy beneath composting it for next year's use.


Don’t have a lot of space or soil?

No worries, try the Container Gardening method! Good organic soil is great for container gardening. Many different sizes and shapes can be used.

Galvanized buckets are a good choice (you can find several sizes at Tractor Supply). The large ones that are used for horse troths are good for vegetables such as beets, carrots and cucumbers. Make sure to use a nail and hammer holes in the bottom for drainage. (Clay containers are a good option as well) Easy Beginner Plants Tomatoes – when planting, put half of the plant in the ground. This makes the plants bushy. They will have to be tired to stakes as they get taller or you can use tomato cages.

Cucumbers – these can be grown horizontally if there is plenty of room. Vertical is good with less space. Chicken wire can be used for the plants to climb

Squash and zucchini – planted and grown like to climb cucumbers.

Herbs – these work well in containers but can be planted directly into the ground. Herbs can be planted for insect control and used for cooking. Examples: Basil, Dill, Oregano, Thyme, Cilantro, Rosemary and Lavender. These can also attract beneficial insects that can kill harmful ones. Fertilizers Kitchen refuse can be used to give plants needed nutrients. Ground egg shells and coffee ground are great for rose bushes. Put directly on the ground around plants. Epsom salts can be used for many plants. Place them on the ground around the plants. Organic fertilizer with manure is a good choice. Organic Gardening Basic Alternatives are available for harsh and harmful chemicals for pest control in the garden. Here is a short list.

Marigolds:  can be planted around the perimeter of the garden. Animals don’t like the smell and will most likely stay away.

Human Hair:  small clumps can be placed in a few spots. Deer are repelled by the human scent. Refresh after a few rains.

Garlic:  plant one clove in about every 2 square foot area. Excellent for some undesirable insects, especially Japanese Beetles.

Irish Spring Soap:  cut in chunks about the size of sugar cubes. Put them in several areas. This is good for repelling rabbits and deer.

Cayenne Pepper  and Vinegar Spray:  in a gallon jug put about 3 tablespoons cayenne pepper with 3 cups of vinegar. Soak overnight, then strain through a tea type strainer and put back in the jug (this helps keep the spray bottle from clogging). Fill the jug the rest of the way with water and shake well. Pour into a spray bottle. This mixture will help with many harmful insects. (Wear a mask when spraying)



Making raised beds since they are low-maintenance schemes, they keep plant organized, reduce work in cleaning the garden ,it helps improve soil condition, planting and harvesting are easier, helps save water, they also reduce disease too by directing water to the soil instead of wetting leaves surfaces. 

How its done:  1.  First prepare the land by breaking the soil into small particles  2. Mix the soil together with the organic manure  3.  If its for the first time use a rope to ensure your bed is straight and looking smart of you can use your eye its okay as well but it will look wonderful if its straight  4. Then start pulling the soil from where you desire your walk path should be and place all of the soil on top of the bed  5. After which take something that's straight e.g a rake handle and start leveling the top of the bed and side ways but for side ways its cool while its in slope shape this help when the rain comes the soil is not washed away hence leading to falling down of the bed N/B when making the bed during rainy season the soil is always wet so you need no water to make the side ways of the bed sticky but if your doing this during dry season ensure you wet the soil just where you will create the path not all wetting all land surface using just little water this helps the falling down of the bed. This bed can be used for 6-8 months without making another one just harvesting and planting new crops after harvesting if only prepared well enough

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